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The CMIYC 2015 contest has ended. Team hashcat won the Pro division, and Shining Ponies won the Street division.

Below are the weighted (points score) and unweighted (raw crack count) for each team, and the time of their last successful submission. Each team's PGP keyid is a link to its per-hash performance.

See the list of hash types for lists, descriptions, and point values used by contest hashes, and how many of each there were in the Pro and Street data sets.

Also see this important information about plaintext submission.

PointsRaw CracksPGP Key IDTeamLast Update (PDT)Class
1733692467516E2EC01FDDF4711Fhashcat2015-08-08 23:57:57Pro
1370855386094358E767EE689B27CynoSure Prime2015-08-08 23:56:40Pro
12406374065527604BD8078FDB93InsidePro2015-08-08 23:59:28Pro
107922532790D27F697AA0C8E0DBjohn-users2015-08-08 23:59:42Pro
51097326272BDCA4AEB72024CE8Shining Ponies2015-08-08 23:59:28Street
44226819802C65EC386983CBB83toil2015-08-08 23:59:45Street
43195316897E8DABAA3505E2B2BICantBelieveItsNotButter2015-08-08 23:59:46Street
3904171694561CC7DFC2CCDAC36dcua2015-08-08 18:28:07Street
31034915161DC98FF5709CF7C4Atrontastic2015-08-08 23:27:02Street
21499614368BB3F58EE755E27C2Ralph Wiggum Bench Warmers2015-08-08 19:38:38Street
210294110284F9D88CBB7296C02Apparatus2015-08-08 21:56:47Street
1577651001698F2C9CF8A834CB4TheLab-ms2015-08-08 22:26:37Street
1179638418906529CD96FABC1DBitfork2015-08-08 11:59:36Street
1111794530A7302AA9F6F1FD73A7302AA9F6F1FD732015-08-08 23:57:57Street
1104575826A810D7D806F45BE6A810D7D806F45BE62015-08-08 14:10:31Street
389323551D38C6FBCCDAA3C3DD38C6FBCCDAA3C3D2015-08-07 16:04:33Street
3587116058B75752EA9CCF2D98B75752EA9CCF2D92015-08-08 22:28:13Street
1929610577557935308423DF2pdgn2015-08-07 16:32:52Street
152183372E25F793BB4317791turd_ferguson2015-08-08 23:52:41Street
2148138D07D0F7E4C7BFF91D07D0F7E4C7BFF912015-08-07 20:00:35Street

Score Graphs

Click on an image to zoom.

Note: If teams fail to include all of their cumulative cracks every time they submit, graphs may under-report their score.

Cracks Per Hash Type

The table below shows the team with the most cracks of each hash type. Each hash name is a link to a page showing how many of that hash each team cracked.


Most Cracks Per Hash Type

(Click to zoom.)

Page generated at: Sun Aug 9 01:21:54 PDT 2015
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